DZOPTICS's Core Management Team

The founding team and core members of our company predominantly hail from leading optical enterprises, both domestically and internationally, where they have held positions in research and development, as well as management. With a wealth of experience ranging from 5 to 10 years, they have a deep understanding of the industry. Through in-depth observation of industry trends, they are adept at accurately grasping the direction of the industry and the company's development. This expertise allows them to formulate appropriate strategic decisions and continuously enhance the company's competitive edge within the industry.

DZOPTICS's Talent Development and Cultivation


Diversified Perspectives

We have created an atmosphere where depart-
ments across the board can initiate projects in product and technology, motivating our staff to engage with the market and participate in the business operations, enabling everyone to con-
tribute to the collective development of our optical enterprise platform.


Internal Mentorship Program

To expedite the integration of new hires into the corporate environment and to ensure they are adept in their roles from the onset, each new employee is provided with a veteran mentor for guidance. There is also a suite of training pro-
grams designed to empower employees.


Flexible Development Pathways

We inspire our employees to explore more of their capabilities and support them in chall-
enging themselves across various job positions. We offer our staff the chance to understand and participate in the company's entire business processes. The company gives precedence to internal promotions, particularly for those employees who are in harmony with the core values of DZOPTICS, for advancement to manag-
erial and technical expert positions.

Systematic Talent Cultivation Mechanism and Multi-Channel Promotion and Development

DZOPTICS, based on the principle of "letting each person utilize their talents, and letting each talent be put to good use," has established a multi-channel mechanism for the career development of its employees, satisfying their career advancement needs in various dimensions and at different levels. On one hand, through both vertical and lateral development, we offer employees a multitude of opportunities for promotion and growth. Beyond the vertical progression within their current roles, employees are also provided with opportunities to develop across different job categories, based on their individual career aspirations. This has altered the previous scenario where employees faced a "one-way bridge" and a "glass ceiling" in their career development. Now, employees who are willing, capable, and have demonstrated success have more chances to fully exhibit their talents.

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